All my artworks start with drawings. Here in the inhabitable total artwork MAISON GUERMONT.
Milène Guermont is a sculptor who is particularly interested in tactility.
She has degrees in both art (Ensad) and engineering (Ensiacet-Brown University-Mines), she has filed several patents. She combines new technologies with the power of poetic imagination.
Following a synesthesia caused by touching a wall made of concrete, she transforms this material into sensitive and animated pieces. Weighing a few grams to several tons, her Polysensual Concrete works react to your magnetic field if you touch them.
MDR at a high school in Neuilly, SUSPENSION for the headquarters of a French company and PARAMARTHA in the largest Buddhist temple in Europe, L'ARCHE DE MONET for the City of Le Havre, SPOR for the FFB HN, AGUA for the headquarters of a corporate group, the FREE-PLANETS, INSTANTS for the 70th anniversary of the D-Day Landings and CAUSSE in Montparnasse Cemetery are some of the works that have been commissioned.
Among her exhibitions are the International Biennial of Young Artists in Rome in 2007; Art Paris and Art Basel Miami in 2008; New Art Center in New York and Nuit Blanche in Paris in 2009; European Heritage Days in 2010; City Hall of the 8th district in Paris, Salt Lake City Art Center and Cartier Foundation for Contemporary Art in 2011.
In 2012, the National Archives of France organized her first personal exhibition in a museum and then she exhibited at Art Elysées and the Center d'art Contemporary d'Epinal.
In 2013, her work is presented in a solo exhibition at the Children's Museum in Paris and at the Caja Galeria in Mexico; it adorns the XL suite of a historic hotel in Marseille; it is shown at the Otto Zoo gallery in Milan and the Villa Datris-Foundation for Contemporary Sculpture.
In June 2014, her sculpture INSTANTS was installed permanently in front of the sea on Utah Beach to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the landings in the breach n°00 "Atlantic Wall", Utah Beach during World War II. Furthermore, in honor of this event, her FREE-PLANETS have been ordered as gifts for top figures throughout the world. She also creates GALLOPING FOAM for NUIT BLANCHE in front of the Town Hall of 15th district and has a show at the Musée de la Chasse et de la Nature in Paris.
In 2015, she was the "coup de cœur" of DDESSIN (Paris Contemporary Drawing Fair), had a solo video show in the permanent collections of the Fine Arts Museum of Caen, and was selected by the international jury of "2015: International Year of Light" launched by UNESCO while MINI AGUA was shown at the Villa Datris - Foundation for sculpture.
In 2016, she exhibited at the Parisian Mineralogy Museum (solo show), at the fair ART PARIS, at Passager Museum, she created the artwork A BEAT on the Eiffel Tower, the Montparnasse Tower and PHARES, and her sculpture CAUSSE was installed permanently in the Montparnasse Cemetery in Paris.
Her last monumental sculpture, PHARES (5 km of aluminium, light and lime), on Place de la Concorde, received three distinctions (COP 21, PARIS POUR LE CLIMAT, UNESCO) and was selected among 13 000 projects in 147 countries to be the only artwork for the delivery of the final report on the International Year of Light at UNESCO Headquarters.
Since March 2017, Milene has represented France at the World Federation of Engineering Organizations (WFEO), UNESCO's partner. Her sculpture made of Polysensual Concrete, MINI AGUA, is the artwork shown at the French Pavilion of the International Exhibition ASTANA 2017. Milene installs the interactive concrete SIREINE in Monaco and wins the artprize of NOVA XX (international competition of women artists who use hi-tech) in Brussels.
In 2018, she has solo shows at Trinity House, at Westminster, at JS-Pathé Foundation, at the Town Hall of the 13th district of Paris, at UNESCO, on the Seine River next to Musée d'Orsay, ... She is 1 of the 8 speakers on "Women's Achievements and Professional Attainments" at the international symposium Momowo in Turin and becomes Honorary Fellow of Queen Mary.
In 2019, she belongs to the French Delegation - she is the youngest and the only one artist - of the GSW that occurs in Basel. She receives the Peace Hero Award from the Peace Institute and five museums throughout the world.
In 2020, Milene becomes Eisenhower Fellow, laureate of Vox Femina - Notable Women and receives the Maria & Hap Wagner Award by which her peers across the world recognized her leadership. She is also identified as an expert in tactility and emotional luxury. Her PYRAMIDION that offers you the possibility to send love & light via is part of the London Festival of Architecture.
In 2021, her concrete artwork BALANCE is installed at Cimetière du Père Lachaise next to the sculpture of Balzac. She receives the trophy of the Projects Woman of the Year, an award from Robert Gates in Philadelphia, and the art grant “Monograph Collection” from ADAGP. One of her concrete artworks of 2008 is exhibited at the Fine Arts Museum of Laval and her first textile sculptures are exhibited in the total artwork by Gio Ponti in dialogue with some furniture by Piero Fornasetti and drawings by Camille Henrot.
In 2022, she goes to Brooklyn for an art residency, at the Invisible Dog Art Center, presents her work at Columbia University (her first lecture in an Ivy League school).
In 2023, Milène has a personal exhibition at the Villa du Temps retrouvé museum (with a dialogue between her MADELEINE FONDANTE and a sculpture by Rodin in particular) and participates in the exhibition JOY curated by Paul Ardenne at the Guillaume gallery in Paris, obtains a video portrait grant from ADAGP in partnership with ARTE, is for the fifth consecutive year judge at the WAF - World Architecture Festival.
In 2024, Milène Guermont receives the rank of Knight by decree of the President of France and promotion of the Prime Minister. She is named "100 Femmes de Culture" of the year at the museum Palais de Tokyo, in the presence of the Minister of Culture of France. Her inhabitable total artwork MAISON GUERMONT opens twice a month in the frame of artistic performances untitled IMMERSIONS (booking on Her book-object, which is recipient of Collection Monographie by ADAGP, is pre-launched in December 2024 (book here).
Education: engineer & artist
- Art diploma of the National Superior School of Arts of Paris (ENSAD) with final thesis on "the emotional luxury".
- Guest Scientist at Brown University (RI, USA).
- Engineering diploma (major: materials/process) of the National Polytechnic Engineering Institute (ENSIACET) in partnership with Mines of Nancy (national polytechnic engineering institute).
Selection of distinctions
- Knight by decree of the President of France and promotion of the Prime Minister, FR (2024).
- Nomination 100 Femmes de Culture in the presence of the Minister of Culture of France, FR (2024).
- Video portrait grant from ADAGP-ARTE, FR (2023).
- Artists Residency Elizabeth Krief et Jacques Manardo @ The Invisible Dog, Brooklyn, NYC USA (2022).
- Art grant Collection Monographie from ADAGP, FR (2021).
- The Projects Woman of the Year, Trophies of the Women of Industry, FR (2021).
- Maria and Hap Wagner Award, international competition, USA (2020).
- Eisenhower Fellow, world competition (2020).
- Laureate of Vox Femina - Notable Women, FR (2020).
- Peace Hero Award offered by several international institutions for peace (2019).
- Honorary Fellow of Queen Mary, UK (since 2018).
- Jury of the World Festival of Architecture, NL (since 2018).
- Patronage by the French National Commission of UNESCO for the international travel of PHARES (2017).
- Artprize of NOVA XX, international competition of women artists who use hi-tech (2017).
- Named by Ingenieurs et Scientifiques de France as the French voice at the WOMEN'S and YOUNG ENGINEERS FUTURE LEADERS' committees of the World Federation of Engineering Organizations, UNESCO's partner (since march 2017).
- PHARES, recognized by COP 21, Paris for the Climate, the international jury of the International Year of Light launched by UNESCO (2015-2016).
- CRISTAL A, selected and financed by the CNC and the SCAM, FR (2015).
- BARRE, selected by the International jury of the International Year of Light launched by UNESCO (2015).
- MEGA CONCRETO, coup de coeur of DDESSIN, Drawing art fair, FR (2015).
- FUNNEL, with Jeff Svitak, finalist of Anonymous, an international competition in New York, USA (2012).
- LITOTES, with Jeff Svitak, awarded for the FLUID ADAGIO competition launched by the American Institute of Architects of Utah and by the West Ballet, USA (2011).
- OSEO EMERGENCES PRIZE, given by the French Ministery of Research and Superior Education for her concrete innovations, FR (2009).
- MUR NUÉES, supported by the Bettencourt Schueller Foundation, FR (2009).
- POLYSENSUAL CONCRETE, awarded for the DEFI JEUNES challenge of Paris Region, FR (2008).
- Art&Creation grant given by Paris City, FR (2008).
- BARREL, finalist at the Noilly Prat international competition of sculptures (2008).
- IS TIME TO DREAM THAT SHORT? finalist of the French High Prize of Creation, FR (2008).
- MUR OCÉANE awarded at MatièreGrise competition organized by fed. of interior architects and fed. of concrete industry, FR (2008).
- CRÉ@RTEM, first prize given by MEDEF (Association of French CEOs), FR (2007).
- JOY at Guillaume gallery, curation by Paul Ardenne, Paris.
- MADELEINE FONDANTE at the museum Villa du Temps retrouvé, Cabourg.*
- RENCONTRES (masterpieces of the collection of D. Benesteau) at the fine arts museum of Laval, curation by Antoinette Le Falher, Laval.
- GENIUS LOCI at the Villa de L'Ange Volant designed by Gio Ponti, curation by Marion Vignal, Garches.
- YOU LIGHT ME at the London Festival of Architecture, London.*
- PYRAMIDION in Normandy.*
- Videos of PHARES at COP 25, Madrid.
- PYRAMIDION on the Seine River next to Musée d'Orsay, Paris.*
- PYRAMIDION TWIN at Trinity House, ICE, Westminster, London.*
- PYRAMIDION at the Jérôme Seydoux-Pathé Foundation, the Town Hall of the 13th district of Paris, Lieu Secret, UNESCO and on the Seine River next to Musée d'Orsay in notably the frame of the first International Day of Light, the European Days of Cultural Heritage and Nuit Blanche, Paris.*
- CHIAMATAALLEARTI, Santa Maria Novella, Florence.
- NOVA XX, Halles Saint-Géry, Brussels.
- LEVITATION, Byblos, Saint-Tropez.
- ELEVATION, Saint-Maur Castle, Saint-Tropez.
- SIREINE & Co, Private Collection, Monaco.*
- MINI AGUA, French Pavillon of the International Exhibition, Astana.*
- CRISTAL A, SCAM, Paris.*
- PLANET BRONZE and MINI CRISTAL, Aquarium Museum, Nancy.
- THE SPONGE MAN, Musée Passager, Ile-de-France.
- ART PARIS, Fonds Culturel de l'Ermitage, Paris.
- UN BATTEMENT, Eiffel Tower, Montparnasse Tower and PHARES, Paris.*
- LES CRISTAUX, Museum of Minéralogy, MINES ParisTech.*
- PLANETS PHOSPHO, salons d'honneur of the City Hall of Paris for the International Year of Light.
- NUIT BLANCHE and COP 21, with PHARES, Place de la Concorde, Paris.*
- ARCHI-SCULPTURE, Villa Datris - Fondation pour la sculpture, L'Isle-sur-Sorgue.
- BARRE, Fine Arts Museum, Caen.*
- MEGA CONCRETO, "coup de coeur" of the drawing artfair Ddessin.*
- VOILA LES DELTON !, Musée de la Chasse et de la Nature, Paris.
- Young International Artists artfair, Hors Les Murs, Paris.
- REINVERTER PARIS, Pavillon de l'Arsenal.
- NUIT BLANCHE, with GALLOPING FOAM in front of the Town Hall of 15th district, Paris. *
- CN'ART, the French Lawyers' house, Paris.
- NEVER MORE, inauguration of the new Cemex plant.*
- ART PROTECT, Galerie Yvon Lambert, Paris.
- PENSE-BETE, De Roussan Gallery, Paris.
- EMPREINTES, Brumaire Gallery, Paris.
- ESTAMPES, MLC Gallery, St Léonard.
- UN FRISSON D'AIR, Linz Gallery, Paris.
- BARRE, Flagship Le Mont Saint Michel, Paris.*
- NUBES, Caja Galeria, Tijuana.*
- SCULPTRICES, Villa Datris (Foundation for contemporary sculptures), L'Isle-sur-Sorgue.
- BETON A TOUCHER, BETON ENCHANTE !, The Children Museum, Paris.*
- ART PROTECT, Galerie Yvon Lambert, Paris.
- LA FONCTION POETIQUE, Galerie 379, Nancy.
- XL SUITE, AVP, Marseille.*
- FROTTAGES, Livre sur la Place, Nancy.
- STEEL & FREEDOM, Otto Zoo gallery, Milan.
- DECOUVREMENTS, Contemporary Arts Center, Epinal.
- ART ELYSÉES, Paris.*
- L’ÉMOTION S’ÉCRIT, Ministery of Culture and Communication of France, Paris.
- NOUVEAUTES DE RENTRÉE, Linz Gallery, Paris.
- SENSITIVE MEMORIES !, Museum of the National Archives of France, Paris.*
- PAYSAGES BETONNES, City Hall of the 8th district, Paris.*
- MUR NUEES for MIPIM, Cannes.*
- LITOTES at the Salt Lake Art Center, Salt Lake City.
- LA PERLE DU LAOS, Fondation Cartier pour l'art contemporain with Claude Parent, Paris.
- M.D.R., permanent artwork at Lycée Sainte Marie de Neuilly.
- B.I.G. TALENTS, Rouen.
- AUTO/portraits, Jeune Création Gallery, Paris.
- European Heritage Days, St Hilaire du Hët.
- IMPRESSIONIST NORMANDY Festival, Abbaye aux Dames, Caen.
- NUIT BLANCHE 2009, St Merri Church, Paris.*
- LINKS, the NEW ART CENTER, New York City.
- IS TIME TO DREAM THAT SHORT?, Eugène Napoleon Foundation, Paris.*
- CHINA EUROPA, Le Havre.*
- Art Biennal of Issy-les-Moulineaux, Musée de la carte à jouer.
- The final of High Prize of Creation, City Hall of Paris.
- ART BASEL MIAMI , Bertin Toublanc gallery.*
- ART PARIS, Grand Palais, Paris.*
- MUR OCEANE in the exhibitien of the recipients of MATIERE GRISE, Maison&Objet, Paris.
- SPECTACULAR, Holcim concrete factory, Paris.
- MUTATIONS, art gallery of Les Ateliers de Paris.
- 40th birthdy of CERIB, Epernon.*
- SECOND MOON, Second Life.
- International Biennal of young artists of Rome.
- MATRIX at the VIA (Creation Center), Paris.
- PORTRAIT INTERIEUR at Dorothy’s gallery, Paris.
* indicates the solo shows.
Selection of orders and public artworks
- BALANCE, Cimetière du Père Lachaise (2021).
- SIREINE, Monaco (2017).
- CAUSSE, The Montparnasse Cemetery, Paris (2016).
- A BEAT, The Eiffel Tower, The Montparnasse Tower, and PHARES, Paris (2016).
- PHARES,The Place de la Concorde, Paris (2015).
- AGUA, Headquarters of GA, Toulouse (2015).
- INSTANTS, breach #00 of the Atlantic Wall, Utah Beach (2014).
- FREE-PLANETS offered to top figures around the world for the 70th anniversary of the Normandy Landing (2014).
- SPOR, French Building Federation, Rouen (2014).
- THE ARK OF MONET, City Hall & CCI, Le Havre (2013).
- PARAMARTHA, the Buddhist Temple, Bussy-St-Georges (2012).
- SUSPENSION, Headquarters of Legallais, Hérouville-St-Clair (2012).
- M.D.R, Lycée Sainte-Marie de Neuilly, Neuilly-sur-Seine (2011).
- FIRST STEP, the Angel Bridge, Saint Guilhem-le-Désert (2008).
Selection of lectures
- "Art without limit: New European Bauhaus?", Institut Royal du Patrimoine Artistique, Brussels.
- "Milène Guermont: art in dialogue with heritage" pour la French Heritage Society, San Francisco.
- "Milène Guermont" at Columbia University on invitation of Rick Bell, New York City.
- Lecture "Pieces of art and engineering by Milene Guermont" at GSW on invitation of Irene Natividad, Lisbon.
- Roundtable “Art/Science” with Andrei Moguchii, Andrei Cheremisinov, Boris Makevnin, Gerfried Stocker, Elena Gubanova, Dmitrii Ozerkov at the Tovstonogov Bolshoi Drama Theatre, St Petersburg.
- "Women artists" with actor Agnès Jaoui, philosopher Manon Garcia & author Tania de Montaigne, Festival 52, Lieu Secret, Paris.
- "Inevitable touch", MOMOWO 2018, Politechnico, Turino.
- "Milène Guermont, artist, engineer & woman", Wallace Collection, National Museum of England, London.
- "Interacting with PHARES & PYRAMIDIONS" for "Design for European Democracy" in the frame of SHOW ME YOUR EUROPE, Brussels.
- "PHARES: a hi-tech dialogue with our global heritage", International Forum of WFEO, Roma.
- "France with Milene Guermont and Palais de La Decouverte - Universciences " for the international women & sciences marathon of the World's Science Centers and Science Museums - ASTC, Washington.
- "PHARES, an artwork that connects", IET, London.
- "Artworks by Milene Guermont", Nova XX, Brussels.
- "Concrete touch", ISU Talks 5 Future Cities: urbanism in a digitalizing world, Braunschweig.
- Lecture "PHARES, a sustainable & modern pyramid", ASCE, New York City.
- "Polysensual Concrete walls", WWIRE, London.
- "Best of 2017" with Yoyo Maeght, PWN, Paris.
- "Concrete dreams?", Alliance Française, Astana.
- "Connected material" with Yo Kaminagaï, Mobilier National, Paris.
- "How to make dream with concrete ?", Kasteyev Museum of Arts, Almaty.
- "PHARES, light for the public" for the final report of the International Year of light, UNESCO Headquarters, Paris.
- "Milène Guermont, to touch is at the heart", Architecture-Studio, Paris.
- "From concrete to light", Salons d'honneur of the City Hall, Paris.
- "To federate to give meaning" for the National Day of the Engineer, Paris.
- "Art and emotion", San Diego.
- "Milène Guermont = sensitive concrete", Miami International University of Art and Design, Miami.
- "Du béton pour relier l'homme avec son environnement", China Europa 2009, Le Havre.
- "Milène Guermont, a creator between several fields", Biennale de St Etienne, at a distance from New-York City.
- "Milene Guermont", Miami International University of Art and Design, Miami.
- "Art to touch", New World School of Art, Miami.
- "Art, prospective & creation", Bourse du Commerce de Paris.
- "Une démarche atypique : rendre le béton vivant", CERIB, Epernon.
- "Milène Guermont, ingénieure et artiste", Institut National Polytechnique Toulouse.
- “Luxury, innovation, creation”, Nancy City Hall.
- "To make dream with concrete", Political Sciences Institute (Sc. Po.), Paris.
Playlist to discover total artwork MAISON GUERMONT