Knight nomination by presidential decree

Promotion of the Prime Minister of France


The artist and engineer Milène Guermont, already distinguished by several international recognitions, is raised to the rank of Knight of the National Order of Merit by decree of the President of France.

Milène Guermont is the author of PHARES, the First artwork of all history to be erected close to the Obelisk on Place de La Concorde ; of the monument-artwork INSTANTS for the breach 00 of the Atlantic Wall at à Utah Beach ; of the sculpture BALANCE made of Ultra High Performance Fiber-Reinforced Concrete at Père-Lachaise cemetery… as many extraordinary projects that animate the artist.


This sculptor uses her technical background (several patents) to push the limits of matter and people. She shapes ultra-fine works, often interactive, to create links and foster intercultural dialogue.

This woman artist questions the limits of Art with a « tactile » and « conceptual » artwork.


She transforms the walls, the first borders that surround us, into sculptures made of Polysensual Concrete, which sing according to your magnetic field when you touch it.

Then, she explores the monumentaly in particular with PHARES which dialogues with the Eiffel Tower to the rhythm of the public’s heart.

For the past 5 years, she has been exploring intimacy with the sculpture MAISON GUERMONT. This inhabitable total artwork, result of feats of 100 French talents challenged by the artist-engineer, is revealed twice a month (reservation on The associated book will be launched at the Parisan Museum Grand Palais Immersif in November 2024.


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Milène touching the sonic MINI AGUA made of Polysensual Concrete at total artwork MAISON GUERMONT

Milène touching MINI AGUA made of sonic & tactile Polysensual Concrete



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